Contactless Digital Client Authorisation Forms (CAFs) powered by Livesign

  • Easier, faster, set and forget
  • Compliant digital CAF & VOI, available anywhere, anytime
  • Single point in time digital CAF & VOI reasonable steps
Get started

Fast & Easy

  • Create, send & track CAFs in just a few clicks
  • Client receives simple instructions to sign the form and verify their identity
  • You get confirmation of ID and the signed CAF in a digital record

Set & Forget

  • Simply send a CAF and receive notification once completed
  • No need to schedule in-person meetings
  • Automatic prompts to guide your customer through the process

Secure & Accurate

  • The most secure CAF with VOI platforms in Australia
  • You can access documents from anywhere, anytime
  • Digital process reduces human error and fraud
  • Records are securely stored for 7 yrs and retrievable at any time

eCAF provides a contactless digital Client Authorisation Form (CAF) with simultaneous Verification of Identity (VOI).

It is the only digital solution that binds the VOI to the CAF signature, so you can be certain of who is signing the document. eCAF uses Livesign to leverage the technology in the chip in ePassports, giving you complete confidence and protection from identity fraud issues.

Once you fill out the information required to complete the CAF, it is sent to your client with simple instructions to sign and verify ID. You’ll receive a notification when it’s done and have a digital, secure record of both the signed CAF and VOI. That’s it.

The process is fast, easy and secure for both you and your clients.

Contact us to request a demo of eCAF

Frequently asked questions

What is eCAF?

eCAF is one of the most secure digital Verification of Identity (VOI) and signed Client Authorisation (CA) platforms in Australia. eCAF is unique in that it is the only digital solution that binds the VOI to the CA signature, ensuring certainty around who executed the document. Livesign can also be used as a VOI only tool.

Undertaking reasonable steps to know your client is who they say they are is critical to transacting property. ARNECC’s Model Participation Rules and Guidance Notes provide details of your responsibility as a legal practitioner.

Why use eCAF?

For buyers and sellers, eCAF provides the ability to comply with the legal requirements relating to CAs without having to leave their home. For legal practitioners, eCAF provides the certainty that ARNECC’s strict reasonable steps requirements relating to VOI have been complied with; without the inconvenience to them or their client of the need to schedule a meeting in the office. eCAF also automatically follows up outstanding CAs, and when complete, provides a certificate with supporting evidence demonstrating the reasonable steps undertaken by the legal practitioner. These documents can be stored electronically in the firm’s conveyancing management software.

Can businesses and companies use eCAF?

eCAF is available for individuals buying in their own name & organisations.

Is eCAF ARNECC compliant?

The requirements for completing the Client Authorisation and Verification of Identity are outlined in ARNECC’s Model Participation Rules (MPR).

The MPR states that a Subscriber can verify the identity of their client in a way that constitutes reasonable steps. By verifying the ID against the government database and then biometrically matching that photo ID to the person signing, eCAF provides an even more robust process than face-to-face – as it validates the ID and removes the human error associated with the brain’s inability to deal with changes in appearance since the ID photo was taken.

Does eCAF know which documents ARNECC accepts?

Yes, eCAF dynamically adjusts to the documents presented by the client until the relevant ARNECC category has been complied with. For example, it will require a 3rd document such as Birth Certificate when it is not presented with 2 accepted forms of Photo ID.

What is a Document Verification Service (DVS)?

DVS is a national online system that allows organisations to compare an individual’s identifying information with a government record, for example the ID document details will be checked against records held by the Issuer or Official Record Holder.

What are the minimum IT requirements?

The Livesign App is compatible with smartphones manufactured since around 2017, i.e. iPhone 7 or higher running iOS 13 or newer and Android OS 8 or greater.

What happens if the eCAF platform is not suitable for my client?

eCAF provides you with a digital option to complete the client authorisation and VOI. We undertand that digital platforms are not suitable for every individual and as such you can provide other options to your clients. A full refund will be provided if you initiate an eCAF, but your client is unable to complete it for any reason.

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